
5.Oil Separation (油水分離)

Once the Lye is added to the Oil Mixture, continuous whisking is required until there is “No Separation” between water and oil.  The higher the temperature the less whisking is required to achieve this, however, the higher temperature will result in greater loss of the nutritious values in the oils.


If the oil colour is DARK (colour change will occur if pre-soaked with certain plants, e.g. Comfrey, refer to Lavender Soap recipe), it is difficult to tell whether the separation has disappeared.  This needs to be checked by looking at the surface of the Oil.  There will be a thin layer of oil that floats on the Soap Mixture surface initially (when the Lye Solution is added), it will appear in the shape of a new moon while whisking.  The Soap Mixture is ready when the new moon shape disappears. 


Major reasons of Deterioration are:

a)      Sunlight

b)      Sudden temperature change (to high or low temperature)

c)      Moisture


Symptoms of Soap going bad:

a)      Oil spots

b)      Colour change

c)      Rancidity

d)      Texture change (to soft or crumbly)


Preventative measures[1]:

a)      Include a small amount of Wheatgerm Oil in the recipe

b)      Include a small amount of Bees Wax or Cocoa Butter in the recipe

c)      Ensure at least 50% of Hard Oil is in the recipe


7.Step-by-Step Saponification

1.      Measure Ice Water (Ice Water is used to reduce the heat generated when water is added to the Hydroxide).

2.      Add Ice Water to the Hydroxide in a steady stream while stirring.  This should be performed in an open area to allow quick dispersion of the gas released.

3.      Stir mixture until all Hydroxide crystals are melted (when solution turns clear), leave in an open area to cool to approximately 50.

4.      Measure Oil while the Lye is cooling.  Measure each Oil separately before mixing them together.

5.      Combination should be carried out when both the Lye and the Oil mixture are at 50℃.  Generally, the Lye needs to be cooled to 50 and the Oil mixture needs to be heated to 50.  To obtain correct temperature for the Lye, stir first before checking.  To obtain correct temperature of Oil mixture, heat to approximately 45 because the heating process will continue even after the oil has been removed from the heat.

6.      Stir the combined mixture with a whisk continuously for approximately 10 minutes, leave for one minute for the mixture to settle and check the water/oil separation.  If separation exists, continue to stir with whisk for a further 3 minutes and leave for another one minute for settlement.  Repeat process until no visible separation.

7.      Rub container with oiled tissue paper.

8.      When the mixture is ready, ensure temperature of mixture is 40 (reheat if necessary, continue to stir with whisk while reheating), add Essential Oils while stirring with whisk.  If more than one Essential Oil is used, add one at a time (always add in the less valuable oil first, this reduces the destructive property from the Lye).

9.      Once the Essential Oil/s are thoroughly combined into the mixture, add Artificial Scent the same way (Artificial Sent is always added last and if more than one Artificial Scent is used, again, add the cheapest one first).

10.  Pour mixture into oiled container.

11.  Wrap with 2 towels and leave in thermal pack for a minimum of 24 hours.  This allows the Saponification process to take place and it needs to happen under constant temperature.  The thermal pack is required only during winter, it is not necessary if the temperature is above 35.

12.  Remove from mould and cut into desired number of pieces.

13.  Leave in cool dark place undisturbed for 30 days to mature.  (Can reduce maturity period to 14 days for Domestic Soap).

14.  Use within 12 months.

15.  If Soap cannot be removed from mould, place in freezer for 24 hours.  Remove from freezer and leave to defrost for 24 hours and repeat from step 12.



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